
The Damon Smile

The Damon System gives you a broader smile—which is the type of smile preferred by more than two-thirds of adults. The Damon System utilizes a patented slide mechanism to connect archwires to the bracket while allowing the wire to move freely. Light force, high-technology, shape-memory wires move teeth more efficiently, reducing office visits and treatment times.

Listed below are some key features that make the Damon Braces unique:

  • Faster Treatment Times
  • Damon Braces Have Proven To Be More Comfortable
  • Lighter forces
  • No extra appliances needed
  • Metal or clear bracket options

Dr. Hoff uses his experience and knowledge along with the Damon technology to create beautiful transformed smiles. Just take a look at his transformation library and you will see!

The Invisalign Smile

Dr. Hoff is an Invisalign top 1% provider. This is a huge accomplishment, this represents completing over 1,000 patients with Invisalign. AS well as starting over 300 new cases per year. We are proud of this accomplishment and want you to experience this type of smile transformation too!

Invisalign treatment is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world, backed by more than two decades of innovation. Unlike braces, Invisalign clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible. There are no wires and brackets, so you don’t need to change the way you brush and floss and you can continue to eat all your favorite foods.

Using advanced 3D computer-imaging to create a digital model of your teeth, Dr. Hoff is able to create a plan for your entire treatment before it even starts. Then, using a series of clear aligners custom-made just for you, your teeth move into the desired position. You wear each aligner for 7-14 days, as directed by Dr. Hoff, until your treatment is done. Now that’s a smile worth bragging about!

Interceptive Treatment

Dr. Hoff normally recommends comprehensive orthodontic treatment after all the adult teeth have erupted, around the age of 11 or 12. However, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child be evaluated at the age of 7 years old. At that early age, it’s possible to determine if there are issues related to the child’s growth or tooth positions that should be addressed sooner rather than later. Early, interceptive treatment can be recommended to correct crossbites, underbites, extreme crowding, impacted permanent teeth, under or over developed jaws that affect the profile and bite, and constricted airways.

With early treatment, we can take a less invasive, preventative approach. Addressing development concerns while the bones are growing gives us the ability to avoid more invasive approaches in the future.

For kids who don’t need early treatment, we’ve created our Awesome Adventure program. We’ll see kids at least once a year, at no charge, to monitor their growth and determine the right time and options for treatment. Plus, they will learn great habits that will help them maintain a healthy, beautiful smile throughout their life.


Come meet with us!