
Once the "active" phase of your treatment is complete, you'll need to wear a retainer until your underlying bone, gums and muscles become accustomed to the new location of your teeth. This retention period is a vital part ofyour overall treatment. Neglect it, and you may jeopardize your new, healthy smile!

Dr. Hoff will determine exactly how often you need to wear your retainer, as well as the total length of time you'll need to wear it.

  • Remember to wear your retainer in your mouth, not in your pocket. Retainers really work if you follow our instructions.
  • Keep your retainer clean! After meals, clean all parts of the device with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Handle your retainer with care. Retainers are easy to lose- and they can break. When you remove your retainer, always place it in the proper storage case.

Come meet with us!